
How Youtube Changed the Life Of Satish Kushwaha – Full Interview on Super Saturday The Manoj Joshi Show Episode -01

Here on Episode 01 of Super Saturday, The Manoj Joshi Show we have invited Satish Kushwaha and He is going to share his experience and knowledge with us.

Watch the Full Video Interview of Satish Kushwaha on Youtube

Inspiring Journey of Satish Kushwaha – Interview on Super Saturday The Manoj Joshi Show

We have the pleasure to interview Satish Kushwaha a Blogger and Youtube Influencer. A most astounding feat he has achieved, running a website in the Hindi language. Also, he is amongst the top ten HINDI Bloggers. Undeterred by the thought, whether he will get traffic on his website he continued in Hindi. He lives a happy, content yet not so content life he aspires to keep experimenting with new ventures and be successful in them.

Before we get to know about your journey to success tell us about your present achievements?

My success today is the result of the many dark, unslept nights which is behind the curtains. I, Satish Kushwaha, a Youtuber holds 5(1 GOLD and 4 SILVER) play buttons and the sixth in the coming. This young lad, who hails from a small village of Uttar Pradesh, a qualified engineer, started looking out for ways to earn money during college days. 

I will be honest, I failed so many times in both creating engaging value content for Youtube and blogging. Only consistency and Perseverance has brought me to this High Platform where I stand today and share my knowledge and experience with you.

I have been featured in Josh Talks, and before covid -19 I was invited to professional colleges like Lovely Professional University (Punjab), Ram Lal Anand College (Delhi) to address students.

It feels good, when you look back, coming from a humble family, people are giving you respect and you are getting paid for giving valuable information to the people.

How did you handle the objections of your parents when you told them of your decision to become a YouTuber, a Blogger?

Despite all challenges, my family was always a support to me. Unlike the conventional family where a Boy after graduating has to fend for a job to rope in the money. I am blessed I had a family who never discouraged me or insinuated me for not earning money immediately.

My college fees too, I paid through my scholarship. Along with my college, I started looking for ways to earn money. In those days, I found Affiliate marketing, Blogging, surveys and many more options to earn money. 

I opted for Youtube and blogging as I knew Google (AdSense) won’t cheat. What I learnt, Show the results to your parents, then No one can point fingers at you or disrespect you.

I would like to share, being an action taker from the very beginning, I started my Channel, it failed. I started blogging, it failed. this continued till I got hold of the Secret.

 The secret was, I watched, absorbed. analysed and then chose to do “What I wanted to do, rather than Copy others (which most of them did) I made blogs related to technology.

The same went with my Youtube journey. I created videos on “Reactions of Others on a topic, Prank videos, comedy videos etc. all of it failed. Then I started making videos on Unboxing Items (Electronics, gadgets, etc)

After experimenting with different ideas, topics after a long time I discovered new paths and got connected to a lot of people from the Digital world. I started collaborating with them. This got me traffic (more people) more subscribers on my videos. 

My happiness doubled when I started getting successful people onboard my talk show. I received a lot of appreciation for getting Real people to share their knowledge and their journeys.

Take away: Belief in yourself, get results and people will start believing in You.

What challenges you faced when you shifted from a small village of UP to the City of dreams – Mumbai.? Did it ever come to mind to give up, as we all know the Dream City Mumbai is only for the tough ones?

Mumbai – The city of dreams. In terms of work, I got work. My engineering degree helped as it created a good impression. The good point about the city is, show your work and get work. They are not bothered about your background. 

The hardship I faced was of doing my work. 6 people living in one small room, I had to wait for the others to go out and then I shot my videos and, in the night, edited them.

 Two- Three years passed, I kept working sincerely, dedicatedly but we were still crawling.
That was the time, the thought of giving up came into my mind. But I kept pushing. Each day A harder push I gave, many a time I had to kick my ego, my laziness, my frustration real hard.

To my viewers, my success may seem like a Miracle, but if reality is done, It is Sheer Patience.
My advice to all hustlers, Keep moving, the success curve will Gradually move upwards.

Who were your inspirers?

My father has been my biggest inspirer. He had taught us right from when we were kids, how to handle small pressures, how to find solutions when we get stuck up. Most of his life lessons helped me on this journey.
Talking about people from the outside world, I am a big fan of Sandeep Maheshwari. I was inspired by TVF founder Arunabh Kumar Sir to begin YouTube as my business.  

You rightly said that if you are educated, you are knowledgeable and if knowledge grows, so do we. What were the things you do to increase your knowledge? What books, youtube channels do you follow?

To grow one has to keep learning. I keep myself upgraded and motivated. I read books on Self Help and Personal finance, which helps to have a good mindset. I began reading books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Think And Grow Rich, The secrets of Millionaire Mind. Recently I have read How to Attract Money and Jeevan Ke Adbudh Rehsaya, by Gaur Gopal Das.

I keep reading a mixed genre of books which helps me enhance my mental as well as professional growth.

What will be your advice to the viewers who want to begin work as a side hustle along with their jobs?

I am sure you will agree with me Manoj, there is no method online that will from day one get you to generate income. 

You will find a way only if you are an expert in the field. The reality is, it will take 2-3 months to understand the process. You need to check out what skills you need, what resources you will need.

There are many such skilled works which one can learn. To name a few- video editing, graphics, edit reels, create posts for the people who are on different platforms. You can also do content writing. It will require 1-2 hours daily; with ease, you can generate Rs. 200 to Rs.300 per article. 

I have been observing, nowadays so many other avenues are opening up like in the field of commerce, finance. If you have good networking, you can use social media and make the best of it.

As a master of Youtube, can you share with the audience what are the things one need to do and what is the role of consistency and the right mindset in becoming a successful You tuber?

The most important thing is having a Positive Mindset. It is an important factor for any work you want to do. 

My advice is don’t do things “TO TRY” do it for with the thought that “IT WILL BE DONE”. Remember, if you do not get the output, you will learn, what went wrong and it will help you when to make the second and third attempts.

Coming to YouTube or for that matter any social media platform, you have to give VALUE. It could be in any field, be it entertainment, education, information, health.

The keyword is Be Honest, Be Authentic.

Consistency- It is the Biggest and the most important factor for your success. It is applicable to all kinds of business, whether Offline or Online. 

Let me clear a myth for consistency, It does not mean you have to do it daily, hour after hour. It means to be regular. You have the liberty of choosing the time and the number of videos, posts you want to put. If you decide to go for one video/week, then do so. Follow it. Don’t give a miss.

Tools that you should use are Vid IQ and TubeBuddy. These tools will help you to see your SEO and Tags. Which words/tags are helping in ranking, is our title, description is correct? How to add to the playlist— you get a checklist for all these things.

What would you like to tell those viewers who are confused about whether to make a short video which is trending or to make long videos which people won’t see?

The number of mouths, the number of comments. Rather than saying, do it. If it is short videos, shoot short videos for reels. No one is stopping you. You need to experiment. Upgradation happens only after you experiment. The point that needs to be noted is, is your content adding value to the audience? Is it giving them a solution to their problem? So, duration should not limit you from creating content. Be it long, be it Short. Follow the trend and keep moving. Adaption to new things is a must or else you fail. Your short videos can give them a hint of your topic, for which they will watch your long video too. These are skills and tricks you can apply after you implement the strategies. Look at change with a positive outlook and you will get ideas of utilising it to your benefit. If given a choice to pick up a lengthy task and a short task, you will opt for the short ones it seems easy. Similarly, complaining and criticizing is like a short and easy task, which most of us like to do.

You are a positive person and it reflects in your work. I would like you to share some positive quotes or something which will inspire the audience.

A: To all those who want to make it big as an entrepreneur, You Tuber, Blogger or any field, begin by

  1. Making 5 friends who have a progressive, positive mind, who have a Goal in their life .
  2. Read Good books. Books help to keep your self in the right frame of the mind. And we all know it is time and tested, that Books are Man’s best friends.
  3. Build up your network. Because it is said” your Net Worth is your Network”  

This reminds me of a reel you posted where you spoke about, how each one is looking for Quick Success. I want you to repeat it in your words.

Yes, I remember I said that just by one video or just by one blog or just by one reel your life will not change. It requires you to burn the midnight lamp for many nights to reach the Pinnacle of Success.

 I believe today everyone is looking for a shortcut. For reaching your destination by taking the short cut you NEED TO WALK on the path.  Another thing that is happening is many people have started creating content and selling it which does not have the value the user is looking out for, this breaks the trust, thus refraining them from investing further in Genuine people. 

I end this show with Thanksgiving to Satish Khushwaha for clearing many myths and sharing valuable nuggets that are tested and proven by himself.

Message to our Readers

Getting into a side hustle is not a one day, one month task. One will need to get into the depth, beginning with knowing what you want to do, then learning the process, tools and other nuances of the trade.
My advice to all” There are no Short cuts.” You have to experiment, be consistent to get impacting results.

For You tubers, Only posting 10-20 videos and saying, I am not getting traffic is mocking at yourself.
1. Have the right mindset 
2. Be consistent
3. Be Persistent
5. Enjoy the process. 

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